everything except the norm
Borbála Szente (H/D): Just like true adults
  • 2021.05.27. 19:00 - 23:55


Recorded in the frame of L1 Conremporary Dance Festival 2010 on 2010.05.08. at Bakelit MAC.

Choreography, dance: Borbála Szente 

Costume: Linda Eilers-Stitch n Bitch Nähcafe, Berlin
Music: Joan Martinez, The Dust Brothers, The Fall 

Special thanks to Catalina Fernandez, Bodo Gierga, Holly Harsongkram, Ricardo de Paula, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Mine Centrum Berlin

My body, my face, my eyes and my hands resemble me to the body, the face, the eyes and the hands of someone else. I commemorate. Iʼd like to talk and to be silent at the same time. I wish to be beautiful and ugly. To be fragile and strong so that I could tell my story. Pure story, no moral. I need attentive looks connect my own attentive look in order to be able to tell it. 

Iʼve been searching for such a dance language for my solo piece that requires extreme strength of the body with its strong physical attitude. During the work progress Iʼve used improvisational techniques as my primary tool so that my body could dictate this language. 

L1 Contemporary Dance Festival 2010 was supported by L1 Egyesület, NKA – Táncművészeti Kollégium, Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium, Nemzeti Civil Alap, Nova Sít, New Web Project 2009, DNA projekt – Prága, Lengyel Intézet Budapest, Cseh Centrum Budapest, Est Média Group (FidelioEst, PestiEst), Műhely Alapítvány, M Étterem, International Visegrad Fund, Oktatásügyi és Kulturális Főigazgatóság Kultúra Program, Glej Színház Szlovénia

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Special thanks to Kovács Noémi – translation, Korolovszky Anna – graphic design, Jávor Zsófia, Kékesi Miklós, Naszály György, Gödör Klub – festival venue, Bakelit MAC – festival venue and all of you who helped to realize our festival.