everything except the norm
Visegrád Karma & VIP100

Visegrád Karma - international travelling poster exhibition

For the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism Bakelit Multi Art Center organized the Visegrád Karma travelling exhibition, which embraces poster art originating from and thematizing the era of the regime change, and presents works of renowned poster artists such as Krzysztof Ducki, Vladislav Rostoka, József Árendás, or István Orosz.

Through the support of the Visegrad Fund, the exhibition is alive since 2012, and has been exhibited until now for 31 times in 15 countries – beyond the Visegrad countries in Greece, Italy, Finland and even in Korea. Thanks to Bakelit, the exhibition still travels around the world, reaching newer and newer audiences.

The exhibition plays an essential role in understanding our region’s historical and cultural background, and provides an expressive and impressive perspective through the works of the international poster artists.

Tabacka Kulturfabrik (Kosice, Slovakia) Wici Alapítvány (Kielce, Poland) Johan Centrum (Plzen, Czech Republic)  

V.I.P. 100/100 - Visegrád in posters or 100 years on 100 posters

We have created a collection of historical, cultural posters from the V4 countries from the last 100 years' 100 important posters. 80 posters were selected from the archives and 20 brand new art works were selected from the works of contemporary graphic designers. As Zsuzsa Ordasi, art historian formulated once: "Poster art expresses freedom using a language that anyone can understand without any special effort, it represents multipliability and one can glue posters anywhere". It is also important to mention that poster art has always had a steady effect on the public taste and way of thinking.

Main topics of the posters:
  • V4 countries' main actions of resistance during the World Wars
  • Parallel revolutions in Eastern-Central-Europe (1956, 1968, 1980-81, 1989)
  • Approaching Europe (during the regime change)
  • V4 as members of the European Union
  • V4 Exodus (works of artists born in the V4 countries, who decided or were urged to leave their motherland and continued their life and artistic work in other countries)
  • Japanese connection (posters whose creators were influenced by the Japanese visual culture or are thematically connected to Japan)
  • European vision of the future (a call for artists to create new works)